My Journeys to the Wild
Welcome to My World
Nature was God’s very first creation. When we experience being in nature, there is a powerful attraction that draws us to it. If we really listen to our hearts and minds, we will keep been attracted to Nature. It is when we go against that instincts that things go wrong for ourselves and the world we live in.
I listened to my heart when i was young, and since then my camera has been my constant companion on my journeys to the wild. Welcome to my world.
Traveler - Wild-life Photographer - Z Influencer - Nikon Ambassador
I'm Ifham Raji

.Blessings and Gratitude
Hailing from the small island nation of Sri Lanka, Blessed with abundant wildlife and beautiful landscapes, I am thankful to the Almighty Creator for giving me the opportunity to be surrounded with nature from a very young age. Born to a family of Gem Merchants and Jewelers, it was naturally expected of me to take this craft as my only passion. But from the age of 15, I had always enjoyed and had been attracted to the outdoors, perhaps owing to some long-lost gene I had acquired from one of my forefathers.
The leopards in Sri Lanka are currently challenged by the growing prospects of mass tourism in the country. It faces several challenges even whilst living within our protected National Parks and in other unprotected areas like the estate and tea sectors around the country. Through my photography, I wish to help save our leopards by creating awareness about them and their challenges to the rest of the world.

My First Book
``Sri Lanka- The Gem of the Indian Ocean``

A unique and personnel view of Sri Lanka’s hidden treasures packed as a souvenir book to inspire new adventures and to reminisce on your own travels and experience of our wonderful tropical haven . It is joint project by me and Tracey Rich.
Now on its 3rd print run, sold over 5,000 copies worldwide.
- We accept international orders including postage paid.
- Free delivery within Colombo district for local orders.
- An ideal gift for a friend or colleague here in Sri Lanka or overseas.
- Packed with aspiring photography and writing covering every aspect in Sri Lanka.
- All copies ordered from my site can be personally signed on request
Price – 3,250 LKR or 25 USD – onwards per copy via website.